Get quick facts about VUR

The VUR details you need to know

Here are helpful facts about vesicoureteral reflux (VUR):

  • VUR is a condition in which urine from the bladder backs up into the ureters and kidney
  • VUR affects about 1-2% of children, 38% of them younger than 2 years old1
  • VUR can run in families, or it can develop, due to bladder issues or inflammation
    • If you or your spouse had VUR, it’s possible that your child will too. Children of parents with VUR have up to a 50% risk of developing it themselves.2,3
    • Brothers and sisters of a child with VUR are also at risk—VUR is present in 30% of siblings of children with VUR.4
  • VUR is usually found when a child is diagnosed with urinary tract infections (UTIs) that includes a fever (called a febrile UTI, otherwise known as a fUTI)
  • To diagnose VUR, your doctor may want to run a test called a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG), which involves taking an x-ray of the bladder and ureters during urination
  • Some children will outgrow VUR—this is more likely to happen if your child has a lower grade of VUR
  • Some doctors may suggest a “watch and wait” approach for children with mild cases

VUR is treatable

A doctor who specialises in urinary conditions in children, called a paediatric urologist, is best equipped to discuss your options, so ask your doctor to refer you right away if your child has been diagnosed with VUR.

It’s important to treat febrile UTIs and VUR. VUR allows urine to flow back into the kidney and urine with bacteria reaching the kidneys may cause inflammation and long-term kidney damage.


VUR Overview for Caregivers

VUR Doctor Discussion Guide

VUR & Deflux Caregiver Brochure

Ask your doctor to refer you to a paediatric urologist once your child is diagnosed with VUR

  1. Hains DS, Cohen HL, McCarville MB, et al. Elucidation of renal scars in children with vesicoureteral reflux using contrast-enhanced ultrasound: a pilot study. Kidney Int Rep. 2017;2(3):420-424.
  2. Elder JS. Vesicoureteral reflux. In: Kliegman R, Nelson WE, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 19th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Saunders; 2011:1834-1838.
  3. Skoog SJ, Peters CA, Arant BS, et al. Pediatric vesicoureteral reflux guidelines panel summary report: clinical practice guidelines for screening siblings of children with vesicoureteral reflux and neonates/infants with prenatal hydronephrosis. J Urol. 2010;184:1145-1151.
  4. Baskin LS, Kogan BA, Stock JA. Handbook of Pediatric Urology Third Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2019.